Sunday, July 20, 2014

God at work!

46 days after being in the jungles of Peru, 5 days after running out of food, and weeks from help on the river...these guys were praying for a miracle!  Click to watch how God used SAMAIR to be an answer to that prayer!

Jason & Josh are two independent missionaries that have a focus on the “un-evangelized.” In early May, the two of them set out on what was supposed to be a 30 day trip that included a trek through the jungle to a river which would lead to an area of “un-evangelized” peoples.  They had a satellite tracker that they could send out messages to friends who were following their progress (in the US).  Five days into the trip, they were having difficulty making it through the jungle and sent out a message requesting prayer.  On day 6, their track on the satellite showed some funny paths (like they were going in circles), and they lost communications sometime near that point.   This wasn’t their first trip into the jungle, and their team back in the US wasn’t too concerned as they are both skilled survivalists.  About day 30 after they started their trip, we received a call from their team in the US to see if we could locate them.  The guys eventually made it to the river and built a raft, but progress was slow.    They were hoping to reach a ranger station within 8 days of being on the river.  By day 40, they ran out of food, and were still weeks away from any chance of contact.  We found them on day 45 and dropped supplies, and picked them up on day 46 and brought them to Cashibo.   By that point, they were on their 3rd raft (one broke, one was washed away), and they were pretty weak. 

The search route was based on their actual track and projected route (information that was 40 days old). Praise God it all worked as planned!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

April 2014 Newsletter

Click on the picture to view our newsletter.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

At Road's End

Checkout our latest video that gives a whirlwind tour of the last month that led us to the road's end
 (at least from Lima)

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Welcome to the Jungle!

A huge thank you to so many friends, family members, and churches that have allowed us to serve in Peru.  We praise God for a safe trip from Philadelphia, through Boston (which was a miracle we made the connection), through Fort Lauderdale, down to Lima, down to Pucallpa, and then a short 30 minutes on road to Cashibo Cocha.  We are enjoying meeting the different missionary families, local pastors, and getting to know our neighbors from the Shapibo village across the lake.  God is at work in Peru, and we pray to be used by Him in the years ahead!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

The "To-Do" List is Getting Shorter!

We have completed all the pre-field requirements to serve in Peru, and we have tickets to depart on February 25!  Obviously this is a huge praise item on our list, and looking back at all the “forks in the roads” during the past 2 years since we started down this path, we can see God’s confirmation each step of the way.

Although the checklist is certainly getting smaller, the final item left is raising the remaining support needed to serve in Peru.  2014 is lining up to be an exciting year of sharing the hope and love of Jesus throughout the Amazon jungles of Peru. Would you consider being a part of the work happening in South America?   

To learn more click on the tabs above, or click here